Community Resources


Using Single Stop technology, Benefit Enrollers evaluate a household's financial status and connect them to federal resources so that individuals and families can make ends meet at the end of the month. All services are free of charge. Call an enroller at 609-637-4917 or click to learn more.
  • Federal benefit screening (health insurance)
  • SNAP enrollment (food assistance)
  • Free tax preparation
  • College financial aid forms (FAFSA)
  • Referrals to community resources


New Jersey’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, NJ SNAP, provides food assistance to families with low incomes to help them buy groceries through a benefits card accepted in most food retail stores and some farmer's markets. Eligibility is set by several factors, such as income and resources. You can use SNAP benefits to stretch your food budget and buy nutritious foods that can keep you and your family healthy.

For assistance with your application contact us at 609-637-4917 or email More information at

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Información en español

El Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria de Nueva Jersey, NJ SNAP, brinda asistencia alimentaria a familias con bajos ingresos para ayudarlas a comprar alimentos a través de una tarjeta de beneficios aceptada en la mayoría de las mercados y algunas ventas de agricultores. La elegibilidad está determinada por varios factores, como los ingresos y los recursos. Puede usar los beneficios de SNAP para estirar su presupuesto de alimentos y comprar alimentos nutritivos que puedan mantenerlo a usted y a su familia saludables.

Para obtener ayuda con su solicitud, contáctenos al 609-637-4912 o envíe un correo electrónico a Más información en

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Big savings are available – now at more income levels. Get Covered New Jersey is providing record levels of financial help to New Jersey residents. The federal American Rescue Plan Act and expanded state subsidies from the State of New Jersey are making health insurance more affordable at more income levels.

Get help with enrollment at or call one of our UWGMC Resource Specialists they are trained assisters. Contact them at 609-637-4917 (Spanish Available).

Download Flyer Here

Información en español
Get Covered New Jersey es el mercado oficial de seguros de médicos del estado donde los individuos y las familias pueden buscar y comprar cobertura de salud. Es el único lugar para recibir ayuda financiera para reducir su cuota mensual de su seguro y los gastos personales.

Busque y compare costos, y vea si es elegible para ahorros e inscríbase en o llame a uno de nuestros especialistas en recursos de UWGMC son asistentes capacitados. Puede contactarlos al 609-637-4912 (disponible en español). 

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NJ 211

We have been a proud supporter of NJ 211 since 2005. Every day of the year this statewide information and referral service provides New Jersey residents with an easy way to get connected to help with essential health and human services, including affordable housing, utility assistance, healthcare, senior services, food, and other vital programs. All services are free, multilingual, confidential, and available 24/7.
Get connected to a resource specialist: 
  • Dial 2-1-1
  • Text your zip code to 898-211 
  • Chat online at
If you prefer, you can do your own searching by going to and accessing the very same database. 



We partner with SingleCare (formerly FamilyWize) to provide community members with access to affordable prescription medications, ensuring greater health and financial security. The prescription savings card is always free to use by everyone- just show it to the pharmacist!
  • No registration or eligibility requirements
  • Works whether you are insured or uninsured
  • Download the flyer

Go to to learn more and get your free card!




There are various resources for families and individuals in need of energy assistance. Please contact the below agencies for additional information. 



Open a mySocial Security account so that you can keep track of your future benefits. 


The Mercer County Mobility Guide helps people find transportation options in the County. The Greater Mercer Transportation Management Association put this guide together and maintains it with up-to-date information for your clients. Take a moment to explore the options.

Click to access Mercer County Mobility Guide