What is the NJECC?
How does it work?
The campaign runs from September through December.
What charities are involved?
- They are recognized by the IRS as 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and registered with the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs, Charities Registration Division.
- They provide direct or indirect health and human services.
3600 United Way of Greater Mercer County | 609-896-1912 | www.uwgmc.org
3706 Afrikan Link Initiative | 862-387-2877 | www.AfricanLink.org
3686 Arm In Arm | 609-396-9355 | www.arminarm.org
3700 Boys & Girls Club of Mercer County | 609-392-3191 | www.bgcmercer.org
3602 CancerCare, Inc. | 800-813-HOPE (4673) | www.cancercare.org
3612 Catholic Youth Organization of Mercer County - CYO | 609-396-8383 | www.cyomercer.org
3677 Central Jersey Legal Services | 609-695-6249 | www.centraljerseylegalservices.com
3613 Child Care Connection | 609-989-7770 | www.ccc-nj.org
3707 HISPA | 609-436-0417 | www.hispa.org
3708 HomeWorks Trenton | 609-414-7907 | www.homeworkstrenton.org
3709 Housing Initiatives of Princeton | 609-921-2328 | www.housinginitiativesofprinceton.org
3627 Jewish Family & Children's Service of Greater Mercer County (JFCS) | 609-987-8100 | www.jfcsonline.org
3660 John O. Wilson Hamilton Neighborhood Service Center, Inc. | 609-393-6480 | www.jowilsoncenter.org
3696 LALDEF -Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund | 609-688-0881 | www.laldef.org
3632 Mercer Street Friends | 609-656-5207 | www.mercerstreetfriends.org
3690 Oaks Integrated Care | 609-267-5928 | www.oaksintcare.org
3698 PEI Kids [Prevention Education Inc.] | 609-695-3739 | www.peikids.org
3703 Princeton Mobile Food Pantry | 609-865-4396 | www.pmfpantry.org
3710 Princeton Nursery School | 609-921-8606 | www.princetonnurseryschool.org
3711 Rolling Harvest Food Rescue | 215-510-8112 | rollingharvest.org
3704 The Children's Home Society of New Jersey | 609-3581334 | www.chsofnj.org
3705 The Father Center of New Jersey | 609-695-3663 | www.thefathercenter.org
3712 UrbanPromise Trenton, Inc. | 609-439-9454 | www.urbanpromisetrenton.org
3713 Volunteers of America Delaware Valley | 856-854-4660 | www.voadv.org
- Documentation on organization letterhead confirming that agency agrees to be listed as a United Way affiliated agency
- Description of Organization/Services (25 words or less)
- Phone number, web address, and an email address of primary contact
- Copy of IRS tax-exempt letter
- Charity Registration Number (begins with CH, 7-digits long, ends with 00) your registration must be in good standing in order to participate
- Campaign promotional information (Optional- Email Address of Charity Promotion Contact, Dollar-Buy Statement #1, Dollar-Buy Statement #2, Video Link, and Logo, Success Story/Infographic and Promotional Photo)