Serving Our Veterans

For some, taking advantage of Veterans Affairs (VA) can be overwhelming, and many cannot make ends meet. Matthew*, a veteran, turned to our Benefit Access Program for support.

A Benefit Enroller connected Matthew and his son to federal resources he did not know about. Matthew was able to get treatment for his army-related injuries through Medicaid (health insurance), adopted a healthy diet through NJ SNAP (food assistance), secured housing through a referral, and furnished his new home. The next step for Matthew is to regain his driver’s license, which will open more doors to opportunities. Matthew is now on his way to obtaining financial security for his family, and he did it all in a one-stop visit.

We focus on the more than 61,000 local families that are struggling to make ends meet; childcare workers, home health aides, bank tellers, veterans, and other professionals. Often those struggling are our neighbors, friends, relatives, and colleagues that cannot afford medical care, nutritious meals, or a safe place to live. Necessities that we often take for granted.


*At United Way of Greater Mercer County, we respect everyone who comes to us for help. So, while individual stories are true, client names, identifying details, and images have been changed to protect their privacy. Thank you for understanding.